b'The benefits ofLifeCare LifeCare is often called the gold standard of senior living. At Brandon Wilde, residents have priority access to high-quality care at a price significantly lower than marketrates. LifeCare at Brandon Wilde also offers these benefits:SavingsYoull see substantial savings compared to the average cost of private nursing care.Asset PreservationSince LifeCarecontrols the cost of accessing higherlevels of care if and when you need it,with potential refund options, yourepreserving your assets over your lifetime.Tax savingsA portion of yourentrance fee and monthly fee could be tax-deductible as a prepaid health cost.As with all financial decisions, check with your financial advisor about this.A lifetime of predictabilityA LifeCare contract requires the payment of aone-time entrance fee and predictable monthly fees. These predictable costs make your financial planning easierand more straightforward.'